Wednesday, August 5, 2020

11 KV Line Road Crossing Protective Guarding

11 KV Line Road Crossing Protective Guarding - 

1- 11 KV Line Road Crossing Protective Guarding is important for safety purpose.
2- Avoid Human , Animal Causality from 11 KV Line Road Crossing Guarding is necessary.

3- 11 KV Line Road Crossing Protective Guarding 
Material is necessary for work done.
 1- Guarding Channel ( Guarding Cross Arm)
      Section of Channel - 75*40 mm
      Weight( Kg/Mtr)      - 5.7 
      Channel Total Length- 2210 mm
       Qty used.                      - 2 nos.

2- Guarding Channel Back Clamp -
      Section of Clamp - 50*8 mm
      Length of Channel - 445 mm
      Weight (Kg/Mtr).     - 3.14
       Qty                            - 2 nos.

3.   I Bolt -
       Section of I Bolt   - 16 mm.
      Length of I Bolt.   - 236 mm.
     Weight (Kg/Mtr).   - 1.577 
     Qty                           - 8 nos.

4- Guarding Wire (Guard Wire)
    1- 6 SWG GI Wire - 8 mtr / Kg ( Depend on approval) 
     2- 8 SWG GI Wire - 9.8 mtr/ Kg ( Depend on approval).

5- Cross Lanching.
6- Binding Wire & Tape.
7- Galvanized Nut, Bolt & Washer.

YouTube Video Link given below Part - 1 & 2.

11 KV Line Road Crossing Protective Guarding Pic given below-

Saturday, July 25, 2020

11 KV Line Pole TOP Bracket / F- Bracket / Top Clamp

11 KV Line Pole TOP Bracket / F- Bracket / Top Clamp -

1- 11 KV Line Single  Pole Top Bracket  used in Top portion of Pole & Depends on Site Requirment.
2- Top Bracket used in Pole Top portion For Support & hold pin insulator.
3- Top Bracket is a Fabrication material. So Top Bracket prepared by Fabrication of M.S. Channel.

M.S. Channel Fabrication material Details given below for Prepare TOP Bracket for 11 KV Line.

            Item Details.               
  1- M.S. Channel 75*40*6 mm= 405 mm long
                                       Qty.          = 1 nos.
   2- M.S. Angle 65*65*6 mm.     = 75 mm long
                                         Qty.         = 2 nos.

Note - 1- 11 KV Line Pole Top Bracket Total Length = 405 mm.
2- 11 KV line M .S. Angle Length.     = 75 mm.

YouTube Link given below for 11 KV line Top Bracket .

Thursday, July 23, 2020

33 KV Line TOP Bracket / F- Bracket / Top Clamp

33 KV Line TOP Bracket / F- Bracket / Top Clamp -

1- 33 KV Line Single  Pole Top Bracket  used in Top portion of Pole & Depends on Site Requirment.
2- Top Bracket used in Pole Top portion For Support & hold pin insulator.
3- Top Bracket is a Fabrication material. So Top Bracket prepared by Fabrication of M.S. Channel.

M.S. Channel Fabrication material Details given below for Prepare TOP Bracket for 33 KV Line.

            Item Details.                 
  1- M.S. Channel 100*50*6 mm= 415 mm long
                                       Qty.          = 1 nos.
   2- M.S. Angle 75*75*6 mm.     = 75 mm long
                                         Qty.         = 2 nos.

Note - 1- 33 KV Line Pole Top Bracket Total Length = 415 mm.
2- 33 KV line M .S. Angle Length.     = 75 mm.

YouTube Link given below for 33 KV line Top Bracket .

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

11 KV Line complete erection work with material Details

11 KV Line complete erection work with material Details step follow-
1- 11 KV Line Single Pole Erection work done.
2- Maintain Average SPan between one pole to another pole. Average span maintain is important for Sag maintain.
3- 11 KV Line DP work done after Nine pole or depends on Site condition.
4- Repreate Single Pole Erection work for Complete 1 KM 11 KV Line.

1- 11 KV Line Single Pole  Erection work necessary Process follow for Erection of 11 KV Line Single Pole .
1- After Survey Done  ,BOQ Prepartion  & Approval  BOQ of Particular Village, Habitation, Feeder Separation, Feeder Bifurcation  Then work Started Particular Locations.
2- For Erection of 11 KV Line Pole is necessary part.
3- Rural Project for 11 KV Line- 8 mtr(140 kg) Long PCC Pole used.
 - Urban Project for 11 KV Line - 11 mtr(37.1 kg/mtr)  H-Beam Pole used.
4- Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier &  Manually( By Labour) Pit digging done.
3- Pit hole done by Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier & Erected The Pole .
4- During  Erection of Pole Stone Bolder (60 % ) & Compacted Soil (40 %) fill at  Pit hole in Rural Project .
For Urban Project  Pit hole Full Concerting with Composition ( 1:3:6 Cement:sand: Aggregate)  done from Bottom of pit hole to ground level.
5- V - Cross arm & V Cross arm supporting  Back Clamp fitted in Pole work done during Erection of 11 KV Line.
6- Pole Top portion one Top Clamps done.
7- Three no. Pin insulator 5 KN done ( Two pin insulator at V - Cross arm & one pin insulator at Top Clamps).
Note - Some urban  project no Top clamp used.
8- one no. Earthing Coil done.
9- Earthing for PCC Pole done as per approval.
10- Barbed wire (3.5 kg 12 SWG or 14 SWG GI Wire used as per approval).
11- Danger Board of 11 KV uesd in pole for indicate 11 KV Line Erected & it is Danger.
12- Stay Set 16 mm complete with Turn buckle work done.
13- Stay wire 5.5 Kg per pole done.
14- Stay Pit digging & Concerting work necessary for Erection Stay set with Stay wire.
15- Galvanised Nut, Bolt & Washer used.
16- Conductor Stringing (Rabbit Conductor 55 with 3 % Sag.

2- Pole to Pole Distance in 11 KV Line/ 11  KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-
1- During Erection of 11  KV Line Maintain Average  Span  between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 11 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line .
2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual  Average Span in 1 KM Line.
3- Average Span Length For Rural Project -  70 mtr
Mostly Rabbit conductor is used in 11 KV Line for Rural Work.
Rabbit Conductor - 55

Rabbit Conductor Current carrying capacity (Ampere) - 139 to 191 A
Note-  But in  Project Work at  Some condition Average Span length decide as per Site Condition.)
4- Average Span Length for Urban Project-  40 mtr .
5- 11 KV Line Rural & Urban  Project Pole Details -
8  mtr PCC Pole used( Strength - 140 KG).
11 mtr H-Beam Pole, Steel Tubular Pole, Rail Pole used.
11 mtr H-Beam Pole(  Weight 37.1 KG/Mtr ).

Also prefer YouTube link given below for Description of  Poleto Pole Distance in 11  KVLine/Pole Span in 11 KV Line.

3- 11 KV Line DP Erection work with Complete Description given below- Material is necessary for Erection of 11 KV Line DP.
1- 11 KV Line Pole.(8  mtr PCC Pole for Rural Project & 11 mtr H-Beam Pole in Urban project).
2- Pole center to center Distance  between one pole to another is 1500 mm(1.5 meter)
3- Pit digging
4- Transportation of pole
5- Stone Bolder (Size 10 mm or above) & Compacted Soil (60% Stone Bolder & 40% Compacted Soil ) . Note - if Concreting in 11 KV Line  project follow Concerting rules as per your Project approval .
6- Top Channel ( Section - 100*50*6 mm & Channel Length- 2200 mm)
7- Supporting Clamp.
8- Horizontal & Cross Bracing( Belting angle & Bracing angle of 11 KV Line)
9- Back clamp
10-  Earthing Coil.
11- 11 KV Disc insulator (45 KN).
12- Strain Hardware .
13- Pin insulator 5 KN .
14- Stay Set complete with Turn buckle.
15-Stay wire(5.5 KG per Stay set)
16- Barbed wire (3.5 Kg per pole  14 SWG or SWG GI Wire as per approval)
17- Danger board of 11 KV Line.
18- Galvanised nut, bolt & Washer

For complete Description how to 11 KV Line DP Erection & Material details please prefer link given below-

YouTube link given below for 11 KV Line complete Erection work with material Details given below-

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

33 KV Line Complete Erection work with material Details

33 KV Line Complete Erection work with material Details  Process follow-
1- 33 KV Line Erection work Firstly 33 KV Line Single Pole Erection work done.
2- Maintain Average SPan between one pole to another pole.
3- 33 KV Line DP Erection work done.

1- 33 KV Line Single Pole  Erection work necessary Process follow for Erection of 33 KV Line Single Pole .
1- After Survey Done  ,BOQ Prepartion  & Approval  BOQ of  Feeder Separation, Feeder Bifurcation  Then work Started Particular Locations.
2- For Erection of 33 KV Line Pole is necessary part.
3- Rural Project for 33 KV Line- 9.1 Mtr(280 kg) Long PCC Pole used.
 - Urban Project for 33 KV Line - 13 Mtr(37.1 kg/Mtr)  H-Beam Pole used.
4- Tractor mounted Pole pit digger &  Manually( By Labour) Pit digging done.
3- Pit hole done by Tractor mounted Pole pit digger & Erected The Pole .
4- During  Erection of Pole  Full Concerting (mixture of material   - 1:3:6  Cement: Sand: Aggregate) fill at  Pit hole in Rural Project .
For Urban Project  Pit hole Full Concerting with Composition ( 1:3:6 Cement:sand: Aggregate)  done from Bottom of pit hole to ground level.
5- V - Cross arm & V Cross arm supporting  Back Clamp( Angle 75*75*6 mm)  fitted in Pole work done during Erection of 33 KV Line.
6- Pole Top portion one Top Clamps done.
7- Three no. Pin insulator 10 to 15 KN  done ( Two pin insulator at V - Cross arm & one pin insulator at Top Clamps).
Note - Some urban  project no Top clamp used.
8- one no. Earthing Coil done.
9- Earthing for PCC Pole done as per approval.
10- Barbed wire (3.5 kg 12 SWG or 14 SWG GI Wire used as per approval).
11- Danger Board of 33 KV uesd in pole for indicate 33  KV Line Erected & it is Danger.
12- Stay Set 20 mm complete with Turn buckle work done.
13- Stay wire 8.5 kg per Stay set.
4- Stay Pit digging & Concerting work necessary for Erection Stay set with Stay wire.
15- Galvanised Nut, Bolt & Washer used.

2- Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/ 33 KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-
1- During Erection of 33 KV Line Maintain Average  Span  between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 33 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line .
2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual  Average Span in 1 KM Line.
3- Average Span Length For Rural Project- 70 to 100 mtr.
If Raccoon Conductor is used then Standard Average Span is 70 mtr between Pole to Pole in 33 KV Line.
If Dog Conductor is used then Standard Average Span is 80 to 100 mtr between Pole Pole in 33 KV Line.
Note-  But in  Project Work at  Some condition Average Span length decide as per Site Condition.)
4- Average Span Length for Urban Project-  40 mtr .
5- 33 KV Line Rural & Urban  Project Pole Details -
9.1 mtr PCC Pole used( Strength - 280 KG).
13 mtr H-Beam Pole, Steel Tubular Pole, Rail Pole used.
13 mtr H-Beam Pole(  Weight 37.1 KG/Mtr ).

Also prefer YouTube link given below for Description of  Poleto Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/Pole Span in 33 KV Line.

3- 33 KV Line DP  Erection  with complete Description in Electrical Distribution work point given below is used for Erection of 33 KV Line DP.
1- 33 KV Line Pole.(9.1 mtr PCC Pole for Rural Project & 13 mtr H-Beam Pole in Urban project)
2- Pit digging
3- Transportation of pole
4- Concerting (1:3:6 of Cement:sand: Aggregate)
5- Top Channel (100*50*6 mm)
6- Supporting Clamp.
7- Horizontal & Cross Bracing
8- Back clamp
9-  Earthing Coil.
10- Barbed wire .
11- Danger board
12- Galvanised nut, bolt & Washer

For complete Description how to 33 KV Line DP Erection & Material details please prefer link given below-

YouTube Link given below for 33 KV Line Complete Erection work with material Details .
Please follow the link given below-

Monday, July 20, 2020

11 KV Line Conductor Phase to Phase Clearance / 11 KV Line Conductor to Conductor distance-

11 KV Line Conductor Phase to Phase Clearance / 11 KV Line Conductor to Conductor distance-

During Erection of 11 KV Line After Erected Pole , Pin insulator , Top clamp ( Single Pole ) , Disc insulator ( Line DP) work done . Then  Three Phase Conductor work done ( Three Conductor used . Two Conductor in Single Pole Pin insulator groove  & one Conductor erected through Top clamp pin insulator groove .   Pic attached for reference  given below).

Conductor.          Conductor.               Conductor.                   
Left Side              Central                        Right Side 

* Central Conductor to other two side conductor phase to Phase  clearance is 650 mm.
* Left & Right Side Conductor Phase to Phase Clearance is 1070  mm.

YouTube Link given below for watch video .

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

33 KV Line Conductor Phase to Phase Clearance / 33 KV Line Conductor to Conductor distance

33 KV Line Conductor Phase to Phase Clearance / 33 KV Line Conductor to Conductor distance-

During Erection of 33 KV Line After Erected Pole , Pin insulator , Top clamp ( Single Pole ) , Disc insulator ( Line DP) work done . Then Co Three Phase Conductor work done ( Three Conductor used . Two Conductor in Single Pole Pin insulator groove  & one Conductor erected through Top clamp pin insulator groove .   Pic attached for reference  given below).

Conductor.          Conductor.               Conductor.                     
Left Side              Central                        Right Side   

* Central Conductor to other two side conductor phase to Phase  clearance is 1320 mm.
* Left & Right Side Conductor Phase to Phase Clearance is 1525 mm.

YouTube Link given below for watch video .

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Clearance from overhead line to building / Electric Line Ghar se kitni duri per hona chaiye.

Clearance from overhead line to building / Electric Line Ghar se kitni duri per hona chaiye -
Clearance from overhead line to building is necessary for safety purpose & avoid causality from Conductor ,cable  .

Two type  Clearance done between conductor & Building .
1- Horizontal Clearance between conductor & Building .
2- Vertical  Clearance between conductor & Building .

1-  Horizontal Clearance between conductor & Building .

   Line                 Clerance b/w Conductor House

 33 KV Line.            2 MTR.
 11 KV Line.            2 MTR .
 LT Line.                  1.2 MTR

2- Vertical  Clearance between conductor & Building .

 Line                    Clerance b/w Conductor House

 33 KV Line.            3.7 MTR.
 11 KV Line.            3.7 MTR .
 LT Line.                  2.5  MTR

YouTube video link given below-



Wednesday, July 8, 2020

33 KV Line V-Cross Arm complete Description with material Details

33kV Line V-Cross Arm Complete Description with Material Details.
1- V-Cross arm used for Support & hold Pin insulator
2- used For Proper gap maintain between Conductor during Conductor Stringing.
3-V-Cross arm is Fabrication item. Its make by Fabrication of Channel.

V-Cross arm Material Details for Preparing V-Cross arm
S.No.     Material Description                    Qty. 

1-     M.S.Channel 100*50*6 mm.            1 no. 
          = 1040  mm Long
2-     M.S.Channel 100*50 *6 mm.           1 no. 
          = 940 mm Long
3-     M.S. Angle 65*65*6 mm.                 1 no. 
        =710  mm Long   
4-     M.S. Angle 65*65*6 mm.                 2 no. 
        =510 mm Long   
5-     M.S. Angle 65*65*6 mm.                 2 no. 
        =75 mm Long   
6-     M.S. Angle 50*50*6 mm.                 1 no. 
        =50  mm Long   
7-   Back Cleat M.S Angle.                        2 no.   
      75*40*6 mm.= 300mm long.

8-   M.S. Welded Plate.                              2 no.

33 KV V-Cross arm gap between one pin insulator to other pin insulator in V - Shape = 1530 mm.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

11 KV Line V-Cross Arm Complete Description with material Details.

11 kV Line V-Cross Arm Complete Description with Material Details.
1- V-Cross arm used for Support & hold Pin insulator
2- used For Proper gap maintain between Conductor during Conductor Stringing.
3-V-Cross arm is Fabrication item. Its make by Fabrication of Channel.

V-Cross arm Material Details for Preparing V-Cross arm
S.No.     Material Description           Qty.    Weight

1-      M.S.Channel 75*40*6 mm.    1 no.   4.83 kg
          = 710 mm Long
2-     M.S.Channel 75*40*6 mm.    1 no.   4.32 kg
          = 635 mm Long
3-     M.S. Angle 50*50*6 mm.         1 no.   1.35 kg
        =300 mm Long     
4-   Back Cleat M.S Angle.                 2 no.     3.4 kg
      75*40*6 mm.= 250 mm long.

11 KV V-Cross arm gap between one pin insulator to other pin insulator in V - Shape = 1070 mm.

For know about S.No. 1,2,3,4 & other Details please prefer YouTube link given below👇

Sunday, July 5, 2020

33 KV Line Single Pole Erection Work with material Details.

33 KV Line Single Pole  Erection work necessary Process follow for Erection of 33 KV Line Single Pole .
1- After Survey Done  ,BOQ Prepartion  & Approval  BOQ of  Feeder Separation, Feeder Bifurcation  Then work Started Particular Locations.
2- For Erection of 33 KV Line Pole is necessary part.
3- Rural Project for 33 KV Line- 9.1 Mtr(280 kg) Long PCC Pole used.
 - Urban Project for 33 KV Line - 13 Mtr(37.1 kg/Mtr)  H-Beam Pole used.
4- Tractor mounted Pole pit digger &  Manually( By Labour) Pit digging done.
3- Pit hole done by Tractor mounted Pole pit digger & Erected The Pole .
4- During  Erection of Pole  Full Concerting (mixture of material   - 1:3:6  Cement: Sand: Aggregate) fill at  Pit hole in Rural Project .
For Urban Project  Pit hole Full Concerting with Composition ( 1:3:6 Cement:sand: Aggregate)  done from Bottom of pit hole to ground level.
5- V - Cross arm & V Cross arm supporting  Back Clamp( Angle 75*75*6 mm)  fitted in Pole work done during Erection of 33 KV Line.
6- Pole Top portion one Top Clamps done.
7- Three no. Pin insulator 10 to 15 KN  done ( Two pin insulator at V - Cross arm & one pin insulator at Top Clamps).
Note - Some urban  project no Top clamp used.
8- one no. Earthing Coil done.
9- Earthing for PCC Pole done as per approval.
10- Barbed wire (3.5 kg 12 SWG or 14 SWG GI Wire used as per approval).
11- Danger Board of 33 KV uesd in pole for indicate 33  KV Line Erected & it is Danger.
12- Stay Set 20 mm complete with Turn buckle work done.
13- Stay wire 8.5 kg per Stay set.
4- Stay Pit digging & Concerting work necessary for Erection Stay set with Stay wire.
15- Galvanised Nut, Bolt & Washer used.

Monday, June 8, 2020

11 KV Line Single Pole Erection work with material Details.

11 KV Line Single Pole  Erection work necessary Process follow for Erection of 11 KV Line Single Pole .
1- After Survey Done  ,BOQ Prepartion  & Approval  BOQ of Particular Village, Habitation, Feeder Separation, Feeder Bifurcation  Then work Started Particular Locations.
2- For Erection of 11 KV Line Pole is necessary part.
3- Rural Project for 11 KV Line- 8 mtr(140 kg) Long PCC Pole used.
 - Urban Project for 11 KV Line - 11 mtr(37.1 kg/mtr)  H-Beam Pole used.
4- Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier &  Manually( By Labour) Pit digging done.
3- Pit hole done by Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier & Erected The Pole .
4- During  Erection of Pole Stone Bolder (60 % ) & Compacted Soil (40 %) fill at  Pit hole in Rural Project .
For Urban Project  Pit hole Full Concerting with Composition ( 1:3:6 Cement:sand: Aggregate)  done from Bottom of pit hole to ground level.
5- V - Cross arm & V Cross arm supporting  Back Clamp fitted in Pole work done during Erection of 11 KV Line.
6- Pole Top portion one Top Clamps done.
7- Three no. Pin insulator 5 KN done ( Two pin insulator at V - Cross arm & one pin insulator at Top Clamps).
Note - Some urban  project no Top clamp used.
8- one no. Earthing Coil done.
9- Earthing for PCC Pole done as per approval.
10- Barbed wire (3.5 kg 12 SWG or 14 SWG GI Wire used as per approval).
11- Danger Board of 11 KV uesd in pole for indicate 11 KV Line Erected & it is Danger.
12- Stay Set 16 mm complete with Turn buckle work done.
13- Stay wire 5.5 Kg per pole done.
14- Stay Pit digging & Concerting work necessary for Erection Stay set with Stay wire.
15- Galvanised Nut, Bolt & Washer used.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Pole to Pole Distance in 11 KV line/Pole to Pole Span in 11 KV Line

Pole to Pole Distance in 11 KV Line/ 11  KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-
1- During Erection of 11  KV Line Maintain Average  Span  between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 11 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line .
2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual  Average Span in 1 KM Line.
3- Average Span Length For Rural Project -  70 mtr
Mostly Rabbit conductor is used in 11 KV Line for Rural Work.
Rabbit Conductor - 55

Rabbit Conductor Current carrying capacity (Ampere) - 139 to 191 A
Note-  But in  Project Work at  Some condition Average Span length decide as per Site Condition.)
4- Average Span Length for Urban Project-  40 mtr .
5- 11 KV Line Rural & Urban  Project Pole Details -
8  mtr PCC Pole used( Strength - 140 KG).
11 mtr H-Beam Pole, Steel Tubular Pole, Rail Pole used.
11 mtr H-Beam Pole(  Weight 37.1 KG/Mtr ).

Also prefer YouTube link given below for Description of  Poleto Pole Distance in 11  KVLine/Pole Span in 11 KV Line.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Average Pole to Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/ 33 KV Line Pole Span

Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/ 33 KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-
1- During Erection of 33 KV Line Maintain Average  Span  between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 33 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line .
2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual  Average Span in 1 KM Line.
3- Average Span Length For Rural Project- 70 to 100 mtr.
If Raccoon Conductor is used then Standard Average Span is 70 mtr between Pole to Pole in 33 KV Line.
If Dog Conductor is used then Standard Average Span is 80 to 100 mtr between Pole Pole in 33 KV Line.
Note-  But in  Project Work at  Some condition Average Span length decide as per Site Condition.)
4- Average Span Length for Urban Project-  40 mtr .
5- 33 KV Line Rural & Urban  Project Pole Details -
9.1 mtr PCC Pole used( Strength - 280 KG).
13 mtr H-Beam Pole, Steel Tubular Pole, Rail Pole used.
13 mtr H-Beam Pole(  Weight 37.1 KG/Mtr ).

Also prefer YouTube link given below for Description of  Poleto Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/Pole Span in 33 KV Line.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

11 KV Line DP Erection with Material Details /Erection of 11 KV Line DP with Description

11 KV Line DP Erection work with Complete Description given below- Material is necessary for Erection of 11 KV Line DP.
1- 11 KV Line Pole.(8  mtr PCC Pole for Rural Project & 11 mtr H-Beam Pole in Urban project).
2- Pole center to center Distance  between one pole to another is 1500 mm(1.5 meter)
3- Pit digging
4- Transportation of pole
5- Stone Bolder (Size 10 mm or above) & Compacted Soil (60% Stone Bolder & 40% Compacted Soil ) . Note - if Concreting in 11 KV Line  project follow Concerting rules as per your Project approval .
6- Top Channel ( Section - 100*50*6 mm & Channel Length- 2200 mm)
7- Supporting Clamp.
8- Horizontal & Cross Bracing( Belting angle & Bracing angle of 11 KV Line)
9- Back clamp
10-  Earthing Coil.
11- 11 KV Disc insulator (45 KN).
12- Strain Hardware .
13- Pin insulator 5 KN .
14- Stay Set complete with Turn buckle.
15-Stay wire(5.5 KG per Stay set)
16- Barbed wire (3.5 Kg per pole  14 SWG or SWG GI Wire as per approval)
17- Danger board of 11 KV Line.
18- Galvanised nut, bolt & Washer

For complete Description how to 11 KV Line DP Erection & Material details please prefer link given below-

Saturday, May 30, 2020

33 KV Line DP Erection work with complete Description

33 KV Line DP  Erection  with complete Description in Electrical Distribution work point given below is used for Erection of 33 KV Line DP.
1- 33 KV Line Pole.(9.1 mtr PCC Pole for Rural Project & 13 mtr H-Beam Pole in Urban project)
2- Pit digging
3- Transportation of pole
4- Concerting (1:3:6 of Cement:sand: Aggregate)
5- Top Channel (100*50*6 mm)
6- Supporting Clamp.
7- Horizontal & Cross Bracing
8- Back clamp
9-  Earthing Coil.
10- Barbed wire .
11- Danger board
12- Galvanised nut, bolt & Washer

For complete Description how to 33 KV Line DP Erection & Material details please prefer link given below-

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Voltage -Current Relationship of Circuit elements.

Voltage Current Relationship of Circuit elements.
1- Circuit Elements components Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance.

Please follow Link given below to find out Voltage Current relationship of Circuit elements-



Capacitance is the capability of an element to store Electric Charge within it. A Capacitor store Electric energy in the form of Electric field being established by the two polarities of charges on the two electrodes of a Capacitor.

*Quantitatively capacitance is a measure of charge per unit Voltage that can be stored in element.
q=amount of charge that can be stored in a Capacitor of capacitance.
V= Potential Difference Voltage

*Capacitor Never Dissipates energy and only store can store finite amount energy ,even if the current through it is zero.

Unit of Capacitance- Unit of Capacitance is Farad(F).

YouTube link given below-

Please Comment & Give Your Feedback 🙏

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Inductance/Circuit Inductance

Inductance is the property of a material by Virtue of which it oppose any change of Magnitude or direction of Electric Current passing through the conductor.

* Inductance is said to be one Henry when Current through a coil of Conductor Change at the rate of one ampere per second inducing one volt across the Coil.

* Unit of Inductance-  Henry(L)

* It is given by Faraday's laws of Electro-magnetic induction.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why Short Circuit test of Transformer Performed on HV (High Voltage) Side

Short Circuit Test of Transformer Performed on HV Side
This can be illustrated by Considering a 3300/220 V , 33 KVA Single Phase Transformer.
Short - Circuit Test on the h.v. side, The instrument ranges are 165 V(2 to 12 % of Rated Voltage of 3300 V), 10 A(Rated Current) and 10 A,165 V, Which are well within the range of the ordinary instruments.

On the other  hand, instrument ranges  for a Short Circuit  Test on l.v. Side  are 11 V ,150 A,  and 150 A,11 V . The instruments of Such ranges and Auto Transformer capable of handling 150 A , may not be Readily available and the same time , the results may not be so accurate. It is the reason Short-Circuit tests are conducted on h.v. Side.

YouTube Link given below -

Thursday, March 19, 2020

How to Calculate Concreting in Pit digging of H-Beam Pole /Steel Tubular Pole (13 mtr & 11 Mtr)

Calculate the Concreting in Pit digging of H-Beam Pole/Steel Tubular Pole (13 Mtr & 11 Mtr) YouTube link given. Please Prefer YouTube link for Complete Description about how to calculate Concreting in Pit digging of Pole.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Why Open Circuit Test Perform on Low Voltage(L.V) Side & High Voltage (H.V) Side Open in Transformer

Open Circuit Test Perform on Low Voltage -Side, -
Open Circuit Test Perform on
l.v.Side.Consider 3300/220 V, 33 KVA , Single Phase Transformer.
Range of Voltmeter, Ammeter & Wattmeter are 220 V (Rated Value), 6 A(2 to 6 % of Rated Current of 150 A) .
And 6 A,220 V Respectively. These are Standard Ranges for ordinary instruments and Therefore more accurate Reading Can be Obtained .
If Open Circuit Test Perform on The h.v. Side ,a Source of 3300 V may not be Readily available.At the Same Point Instruments Range are 3300 V & 0.4 A.
3300 V which are not within the Range of ordinary instruments & The Results obtained may not be may not safe to work on high Voltage Side.

Monday, March 16, 2020


Resistance is Property of material by Virtue Oppose the flow of Electron. Thus Resist the flow of Electric Current.
Unit of Resistance- Ohm'S

Any Wire Resistance offer when Current flowing in Wire & Potential Difference( V) Applied across wire .

*Resistance find out by Apply Ohm'S Law.

* V- IR.
    R- V/I

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Why Transformer Rating in KVA.

Transformer Rating in KVA.

1-KVA is Rated Output is Limited by Heating hence Losses in the Transformer.
2- Mainly Two Type Losses in Transformer.
    1-  Core Losses .
     2- Ohmic Losses.
1- Core Losses Depends on Voltage.
:Core Losses Find out by Transformer Open Circuit Test Perform.
2- Ohmic Losses Depends on Current.
 : Ohmic Losses find out by Transformer Short Circuit Test.

* So Losses Depends on Voltage (V) & Current (A) is almost unaffected by Load power factor.

So Transformer Rating in KVA.

33 KV Line ko kaise pahchane/How to identify 33 KV Line.

 33 KV Line ko pahchane ka tarika
1- V-Cross arm Dekh Kar
2 - Pin Insulator Dekh Kar.
3- Conductor Dekh Kar.
1- V Cross arm ka weight jayada hoga 11 KV Line ke V- Cross arm se & V-Cross arm ke beech Space 1525 mm hoga.
2- Pin insulator 10 KN ka hoga. 
3- Conductor ka area Nominal 100 Sqmm ka hoga. Aur Sectional area jayada hoga jis se Conductor ki current carrying capacity 257-291 A (Dog Conductor) hogi.

Yis tarh se 33 KV Line ko pahchane sakte hai.

What is Transformer

Transformer is a Static Device That Transformer Electrical Energy from one Circuit to another Circuit through the medium of Magnetic field.
Transformer is  Electrically Separate but Magnetically Coupled. Coupling magnetic field allow Energy transfer from one Circuit to another Circuit.

Transformer Principal- Transformer work on Mutual induction.
Transformer Rating uses in Distribution Network- 16 KVA, 25 KVA,63 KVA, 100 KVA,200 KVA. 

How many motors of 5 hp can be driven by a 25 KVA transformer?

How many motors of 5 hp can be driven by a 25 KVA transformer YouTube video link given below-  YouTube video Link