Wednesday, July 22, 2020

11 KV Line complete erection work with material Details

11 KV Line complete erection work with material Details step follow-
1- 11 KV Line Single Pole Erection work done.
2- Maintain Average SPan between one pole to another pole. Average span maintain is important for Sag maintain.
3- 11 KV Line DP work done after Nine pole or depends on Site condition.
4- Repreate Single Pole Erection work for Complete 1 KM 11 KV Line.

1- 11 KV Line Single Pole  Erection work necessary Process follow for Erection of 11 KV Line Single Pole .
1- After Survey Done  ,BOQ Prepartion  & Approval  BOQ of Particular Village, Habitation, Feeder Separation, Feeder Bifurcation  Then work Started Particular Locations.
2- For Erection of 11 KV Line Pole is necessary part.
3- Rural Project for 11 KV Line- 8 mtr(140 kg) Long PCC Pole used.
 - Urban Project for 11 KV Line - 11 mtr(37.1 kg/mtr)  H-Beam Pole used.
4- Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier &  Manually( By Labour) Pit digging done.
3- Pit hole done by Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier & Erected The Pole .
4- During  Erection of Pole Stone Bolder (60 % ) & Compacted Soil (40 %) fill at  Pit hole in Rural Project .
For Urban Project  Pit hole Full Concerting with Composition ( 1:3:6 Cement:sand: Aggregate)  done from Bottom of pit hole to ground level.
5- V - Cross arm & V Cross arm supporting  Back Clamp fitted in Pole work done during Erection of 11 KV Line.
6- Pole Top portion one Top Clamps done.
7- Three no. Pin insulator 5 KN done ( Two pin insulator at V - Cross arm & one pin insulator at Top Clamps).
Note - Some urban  project no Top clamp used.
8- one no. Earthing Coil done.
9- Earthing for PCC Pole done as per approval.
10- Barbed wire (3.5 kg 12 SWG or 14 SWG GI Wire used as per approval).
11- Danger Board of 11 KV uesd in pole for indicate 11 KV Line Erected & it is Danger.
12- Stay Set 16 mm complete with Turn buckle work done.
13- Stay wire 5.5 Kg per pole done.
14- Stay Pit digging & Concerting work necessary for Erection Stay set with Stay wire.
15- Galvanised Nut, Bolt & Washer used.
16- Conductor Stringing (Rabbit Conductor 55 with 3 % Sag.

2- Pole to Pole Distance in 11 KV Line/ 11  KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-
1- During Erection of 11  KV Line Maintain Average  Span  between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 11 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line .
2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual  Average Span in 1 KM Line.
3- Average Span Length For Rural Project -  70 mtr
Mostly Rabbit conductor is used in 11 KV Line for Rural Work.
Rabbit Conductor - 55

Rabbit Conductor Current carrying capacity (Ampere) - 139 to 191 A
Note-  But in  Project Work at  Some condition Average Span length decide as per Site Condition.)
4- Average Span Length for Urban Project-  40 mtr .
5- 11 KV Line Rural & Urban  Project Pole Details -
8  mtr PCC Pole used( Strength - 140 KG).
11 mtr H-Beam Pole, Steel Tubular Pole, Rail Pole used.
11 mtr H-Beam Pole(  Weight 37.1 KG/Mtr ).

Also prefer YouTube link given below for Description of  Poleto Pole Distance in 11  KVLine/Pole Span in 11 KV Line.

3- 11 KV Line DP Erection work with Complete Description given below- Material is necessary for Erection of 11 KV Line DP.
1- 11 KV Line Pole.(8  mtr PCC Pole for Rural Project & 11 mtr H-Beam Pole in Urban project).
2- Pole center to center Distance  between one pole to another is 1500 mm(1.5 meter)
3- Pit digging
4- Transportation of pole
5- Stone Bolder (Size 10 mm or above) & Compacted Soil (60% Stone Bolder & 40% Compacted Soil ) . Note - if Concreting in 11 KV Line  project follow Concerting rules as per your Project approval .
6- Top Channel ( Section - 100*50*6 mm & Channel Length- 2200 mm)
7- Supporting Clamp.
8- Horizontal & Cross Bracing( Belting angle & Bracing angle of 11 KV Line)
9- Back clamp
10-  Earthing Coil.
11- 11 KV Disc insulator (45 KN).
12- Strain Hardware .
13- Pin insulator 5 KN .
14- Stay Set complete with Turn buckle.
15-Stay wire(5.5 KG per Stay set)
16- Barbed wire (3.5 Kg per pole  14 SWG or SWG GI Wire as per approval)
17- Danger board of 11 KV Line.
18- Galvanised nut, bolt & Washer

For complete Description how to 11 KV Line DP Erection & Material details please prefer link given below-

YouTube link given below for 11 KV Line complete Erection work with material Details given below-

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