Monday, June 8, 2020

11 KV Line Single Pole Erection work with material Details.

11 KV Line Single Pole  Erection work necessary Process follow for Erection of 11 KV Line Single Pole .
1- After Survey Done  ,BOQ Prepartion  & Approval  BOQ of Particular Village, Habitation, Feeder Separation, Feeder Bifurcation  Then work Started Particular Locations.
2- For Erection of 11 KV Line Pole is necessary part.
3- Rural Project for 11 KV Line- 8 mtr(140 kg) Long PCC Pole used.
 - Urban Project for 11 KV Line - 11 mtr(37.1 kg/mtr)  H-Beam Pole used.
4- Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier &  Manually( By Labour) Pit digging done.
3- Pit hole done by Tractor mounted Pole pit diggier & Erected The Pole .
4- During  Erection of Pole Stone Bolder (60 % ) & Compacted Soil (40 %) fill at  Pit hole in Rural Project .
For Urban Project  Pit hole Full Concerting with Composition ( 1:3:6 Cement:sand: Aggregate)  done from Bottom of pit hole to ground level.
5- V - Cross arm & V Cross arm supporting  Back Clamp fitted in Pole work done during Erection of 11 KV Line.
6- Pole Top portion one Top Clamps done.
7- Three no. Pin insulator 5 KN done ( Two pin insulator at V - Cross arm & one pin insulator at Top Clamps).
Note - Some urban  project no Top clamp used.
8- one no. Earthing Coil done.
9- Earthing for PCC Pole done as per approval.
10- Barbed wire (3.5 kg 12 SWG or 14 SWG GI Wire used as per approval).
11- Danger Board of 11 KV uesd in pole for indicate 11 KV Line Erected & it is Danger.
12- Stay Set 16 mm complete with Turn buckle work done.
13- Stay wire 5.5 Kg per pole done.
14- Stay Pit digging & Concerting work necessary for Erection Stay set with Stay wire.
15- Galvanised Nut, Bolt & Washer used.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Pole to Pole Distance in 11 KV line/Pole to Pole Span in 11 KV Line

Pole to Pole Distance in 11 KV Line/ 11  KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-
1- During Erection of 11  KV Line Maintain Average  Span  between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 11 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line .
2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual  Average Span in 1 KM Line.
3- Average Span Length For Rural Project -  70 mtr
Mostly Rabbit conductor is used in 11 KV Line for Rural Work.
Rabbit Conductor - 55

Rabbit Conductor Current carrying capacity (Ampere) - 139 to 191 A
Note-  But in  Project Work at  Some condition Average Span length decide as per Site Condition.)
4- Average Span Length for Urban Project-  40 mtr .
5- 11 KV Line Rural & Urban  Project Pole Details -
8  mtr PCC Pole used( Strength - 140 KG).
11 mtr H-Beam Pole, Steel Tubular Pole, Rail Pole used.
11 mtr H-Beam Pole(  Weight 37.1 KG/Mtr ).

Also prefer YouTube link given below for Description of  Poleto Pole Distance in 11  KVLine/Pole Span in 11 KV Line.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Average Pole to Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/ 33 KV Line Pole Span

Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/ 33 KV Line Pole Span Necessary Details given below-
1- During Erection of 33 KV Line Maintain Average  Span  between Pole to Pole is important for maintain Sag of 33 KV Line & Proper Erection of Line .
2- Measurements Tape is necessary for Decide Actual  Average Span in 1 KM Line.
3- Average Span Length For Rural Project- 70 to 100 mtr.
If Raccoon Conductor is used then Standard Average Span is 70 mtr between Pole to Pole in 33 KV Line.
If Dog Conductor is used then Standard Average Span is 80 to 100 mtr between Pole Pole in 33 KV Line.
Note-  But in  Project Work at  Some condition Average Span length decide as per Site Condition.)
4- Average Span Length for Urban Project-  40 mtr .
5- 33 KV Line Rural & Urban  Project Pole Details -
9.1 mtr PCC Pole used( Strength - 280 KG).
13 mtr H-Beam Pole, Steel Tubular Pole, Rail Pole used.
13 mtr H-Beam Pole(  Weight 37.1 KG/Mtr ).

Also prefer YouTube link given below for Description of  Poleto Pole Distance in 33 KV Line/Pole Span in 33 KV Line.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

11 KV Line DP Erection with Material Details /Erection of 11 KV Line DP with Description

11 KV Line DP Erection work with Complete Description given below- Material is necessary for Erection of 11 KV Line DP.
1- 11 KV Line Pole.(8  mtr PCC Pole for Rural Project & 11 mtr H-Beam Pole in Urban project).
2- Pole center to center Distance  between one pole to another is 1500 mm(1.5 meter)
3- Pit digging
4- Transportation of pole
5- Stone Bolder (Size 10 mm or above) & Compacted Soil (60% Stone Bolder & 40% Compacted Soil ) . Note - if Concreting in 11 KV Line  project follow Concerting rules as per your Project approval .
6- Top Channel ( Section - 100*50*6 mm & Channel Length- 2200 mm)
7- Supporting Clamp.
8- Horizontal & Cross Bracing( Belting angle & Bracing angle of 11 KV Line)
9- Back clamp
10-  Earthing Coil.
11- 11 KV Disc insulator (45 KN).
12- Strain Hardware .
13- Pin insulator 5 KN .
14- Stay Set complete with Turn buckle.
15-Stay wire(5.5 KG per Stay set)
16- Barbed wire (3.5 Kg per pole  14 SWG or SWG GI Wire as per approval)
17- Danger board of 11 KV Line.
18- Galvanised nut, bolt & Washer

For complete Description how to 11 KV Line DP Erection & Material details please prefer link given below-

How many motors of 5 hp can be driven by a 25 KVA transformer?

How many motors of 5 hp can be driven by a 25 KVA transformer YouTube video link given below-  YouTube video Link